Four Weeks Done...

Four weeks done… Only Juice, no solid food… And it worked…

I have been feeling better than I have in years and years… This actually works… And amazingly, yesterday (the first day that I indulged in solid food…) I was looking forward to eating vegetables, something that anyone who knows me would know is radically out of character… So I had a small arugula salad with mushrooms, and a lunch portion of grilled Ahi tuna on a bed of some kind of beans… and it tasted better than anything like that had in the past, and was very filling… My energy level seemed to be up in the afternoon, even better than when drinking what I have been for the last few weeks… Morning was still juice, and evening was the blueberry/green smoothie that I have been drinking… And when I weighed in at the gym, I was at 266, which is 27 pounds in 28 days… Right at my target, and as long as I eat sensibly for lunch or dinner, and keep on with the juice, the weight loss should stay consistent… we’ll see what happens over the next few weeks…

Change of lifestyle and eating habits… Who would have thought…? (the answer to that is no one who knew me over the last decade or so…) But I’m pretty happy with things so far…